Tag archive for XC flying - page 6

The more the merrier! (Shared fun is more fun!)

The more the merrier! (Shared fun is more fun!)

Friday evening, all is ready, glider, vario, clothes… and my new totally black Somnium harness. Finally the forecast is promising, we meet and after some joke and laugh on the shuttle, at take off the route is planned: go north to Macugnaga, Mount Rosa… Then…

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Bordairline adventure race Tolmin  –  Little hike, just fly   ;–))

Bordairline adventure race Tolmin – Little hike, just fly ;–))

Some rollercoaster weather forecast for most parts of the Alps and keen on testing my new glider , a MENTOR 4 light, in a competitive environment. No doubt for me to take part in the 2nd Bordairline adventure race inTolmin (Slovenia) from May 7th to…

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    Ich bitte um Nachsicht, dass ich ganz allein, nur so für mich, in den Tessin fuhr – und den besten Alpenflug bis zum 21. März abdrückte. Das Wochenende hatte mich mental in Grund und Boden gestampft. Armeen von Skifahrern zogen an meiner Gondelstation…

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Thanks for a great season

Thanks for a great season

Hi Team, Wolfi, Phillip, Mik and Til This is Nate Scales and I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for a great season.  Living on the other side of the pond, I don’t get to interact with many of you, but I wanted to…

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Rumänien aus der Luft – Hike & Fly in Romania

Rumänien aus der Luft – Hike & Fly in Romania

Mit Zelt und Gleitschirm in Rumänien (note for all English speakers: please scroll down and enjoy the pictorial, which is English)   „Nach Rumänien wollt Ihr?! Ist das nicht gefährlich!!!?!!!“ bekommt man oft zu hören wenn man in eines der ärmsten Länder Europas fährt. Wir…

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Fly for the view – XC-Adventures from the Dolomites (and more)

Fly for the view – XC-Adventures from the Dolomites (and more)

It’s Monday evening and I notice Raul is calling me on my phone: ‘ So, what are the plans for tomorrow???” I had already flown on Friday for the first time over Sauris from Meduno (my local take off) and on Sunday over beautiful Mt….

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The Intermountain Wide-Open

The Intermountain Wide-Open

So it has been almost a week and I finally feel like I am fully recovered from what was the 2015 Intermountain Wwide-Open, a new twist on paragliding contests.  I had organized the event as an excuse to take a week off work and go…

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Die kleinen Freuden

Die kleinen Freuden

Können 4,4 km freie Wertungsstrecke einem Streckenflieger ein Lächeln auf das Gesicht zaubern? Ich würde behaupten: Ja! Der Beweisgang folgt ;) Ich bin Alpenflieger durch und durch. Ich liebe die Alpen. Ich wohne aber nicht in den Alpen, sondern in Wuppertal. Wuppertal liegt nicht in…

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Hi @ all, it is a long time ago (10.2014) when I received my Triton 2. I went as quick as possible to Quixada to do my first flight with it. The forecast of the weather condition predicted quite strong winds, so I decided to…

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130 km on my first flight with the Mentor 4

130 km on my first flight with the Mentor 4

Hi everyone, I received my Mentor 4 a few days after my 16th birthday. I was so excited to fly it! After two days of studying airspace and the forecast I was on the hill with my flightplan and declared 100km goal, ready to pull…

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