Tag archive for XC flying - page 5

Tandem XC-flying – setting a record without knowing – having a co-pilot, not a passenger

Tandem XC-flying – setting a record without knowing – having a co-pilot, not a passenger

It was on Ulli’s and my mind for a while already…..flying XC together. This year it should become reality. In April, I started the tandem course, which took five weeks from entry test to license. The next big challenge was the selection and the preparation…

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First ever Meeting of the new German Flatland Team

First ever Meeting of the new German Flatland Team

ROCKING THE GERMAN FLATLANDS First weekend of March saw the first ever meeting of the newly established NOVA Team Germany on Wasserkuppe, the highest mountain in central Germany. The new flatland team focuses on xc-flying in the non-alpine paragliding spots in Germany. The team includes…

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Introducing the new Pilots Team Design 2017/18

Introducing the new Pilots Team Design 2017/18

Hi NOVA-Friends & Team Pilots Every other year we introduces a new team design. This colour combination is exclusive to the members of the NOVA Pilots Team, so they can be recognized easily. For 2017/18, it will be a combination of red, lime, and white,…

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“Given to fly” – Hike & Fly from the Mediterranean Sea to Lake Chiemsee

“Given to fly” – Hike & Fly from the Mediterranean Sea to Lake Chiemsee

Hi Friends Be the first to watch the Skymovie of our Hike & Fly trip from the Mediterranean Sea to Lake Chiemsee last summer. Happy new year to all Nova Team members! Robert Unser schnörkellos wohltuendes Echterlebniskondensat von letztem Sommer:–))! https://vimeo.com/196154233  

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Good news from Poland

Good news from Poland

 Photo  :  Matyas Podor Hi  everyone! Some of good news from Poland :) We had  really good season in XC competition of 2016 in Poland  ! 1. In Fun/Standard class pilots with Nova wings  were on 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10th positions :…

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Dem PHANTOM auf der Spur – erste Flugeindrücke

Dem PHANTOM auf der Spur – erste Flugeindrücke

JAAAAA, ich bin PHANTOM geflogen! Nachdem es bislang so wenige PHANTOMe – PHANTOMs? – gibt und einige Leute auf Facebook gesehen haben, dass ich damit schon geflogen bin, bekam ich einige Mails wie er „denn so ist“. Hier meine Eindrücke. OK, als NOVAs PR-Mensch bin…

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My 2016 Season – News from Silvia in Portugal

My 2016 Season – News from Silvia in Portugal

In June, less than a week for the beginning of the national competition season, I was prepared for the “fight” to get the best position on the female classification and also on the overall ranking. I made my homework: since last October I started to…

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Fatal accident at Chabre open – sad news

Fatal accident at Chabre open – sad news

Since years i have informed you all about all kind of things during Chabre open. Now there’s a sad message. I coppied this official note from the meetdirectors Dave and Jocky. Sometimes is not just the fun. Hans     It is with great regret…

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2 Tage, 35° und 4.834 Meter

2 Tage, 35° und 4.834 Meter

Für 23. und 24. Juni sind fliegbare Tage angesagt. Gar nicht mal so schlechte. Zwar Hitze und bei uns am Alpenrand recht stabil, aber inneralpin und vor allem im Süden recht thermisch und hochbasig. Was tun? Daheimbleiben? Grente? Mit Aussichten auf Glockner, Stubaier und Dolomiten?…

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Mehr als Kilometer

Mehr als Kilometer

Letzten Freitag durfte ich einen wunderbaren Flug gemeinsam mit Simon Wamser genießen. Ein Flug, bei dem nicht die Kilometer zählten. Leider war der Tag nicht so gut wie erhofft und wir konnten erst um kurz vor elf starten. Auch Thermik und Westwind waren sehr anspruchsvoll. Den…

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