Tag archive for Mentor 4 - page 2

The more the merrier! (Shared fun is more fun!)

The more the merrier! (Shared fun is more fun!)

Friday evening, all is ready, glider, vario, clothes… and my new totally black Somnium harness. Finally the forecast is promising, we meet and after some joke and laugh on the shuttle, at take off the route is planned: go north to Macugnaga, Mount Rosa… Then…

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Bordairline adventure race Tolmin  –  Little hike, just fly   ;–))

Bordairline adventure race Tolmin – Little hike, just fly ;–))

Some rollercoaster weather forecast for most parts of the Alps and keen on testing my new glider , a MENTOR 4 light, in a competitive environment. No doubt for me to take part in the 2nd Bordairline adventure race inTolmin (Slovenia) from May 7th to…

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Kia ora from New Zealand

Kia ora from New Zealand

Hello to all the Nova Team Pilots out there. It’s a real privilege to be a part of the Nova Pilot Team and I look forward to meeting and flying with as many of you as possible. I come from a small island in the…

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    Ich bitte um Nachsicht, dass ich ganz allein, nur so für mich, in den Tessin fuhr – und den besten Alpenflug bis zum 21. März abdrückte. Das Wochenende hatte mich mental in Grund und Boden gestampft. Armeen von Skifahrern zogen an meiner Gondelstation…

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Mentor 4 light and me – Friends already :–))

Mentor 4 light and me – Friends already :–))

This is at Loser (Austria), “my home”

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New Nova Team Pilot: John Ashman

New Nova Team Pilot: John Ashman

  Hi everyone, My name is John Ashman. I am 15 years old and live in Sheffield (UK) right next to the Peak District, which offers some of the best flying sites in the UK. I have recently joined the Nova Pilots Team, which I…

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Mini-Testival in Stubai

Mini-Testival in Stubai

Hello to everybody Every year in the third week or so in january our club organize’s a mini Testival in Austria together with NOVA. This year we had little participants but again lots of fun. Erik (one of the Pilots) made this small inpression. Again…

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New Team Pilots Werner Schuetz and Robert Heim

New Team Pilots Werner Schuetz and Robert Heim

Dear NOVA-Team, dear NOVA Team Pilots,   most of you may have witnessed that Werner Schuetz and me, Robert Heim will join you in the NOVA Pilots team. We have been flying and hiking buddies since many years so we decided to give you a brief co-introduction of…

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Fly for the view – XC-Adventures from the Dolomites (and more)

Fly for the view – XC-Adventures from the Dolomites (and more)

It’s Monday evening and I notice Raul is calling me on my phone: ‘ So, what are the plans for tomorrow???” I had already flown on Friday for the first time over Sauris from Meduno (my local take off) and on Sunday over beautiful Mt….

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Immer nach Westen

Immer nach Westen

Ich baue den letzten Flug, einer von vielen in den letzten Wochen, im Wallis auf dem Bildschirm auf. Mann, hat dieser Flugtag in unseren Reihen gewütet! 22. August. Oft hat uns der Talwind dieses Jahr verschont, aber nicht an diesem Samstag. Ich hab nicht allzu…

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