Archive for XC paragliding - page 8



    Ich bitte um Nachsicht, dass ich ganz allein, nur so für mich, in den Tessin fuhr – und den besten Alpenflug bis zum 21. März abdrückte. Das Wochenende hatte mich mental in Grund und Boden gestampft. Armeen von Skifahrern zogen an meiner Gondelstation…

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New Nova Team Pilot: John Ashman

New Nova Team Pilot: John Ashman

  Hi everyone, My name is John Ashman. I am 15 years old and live in Sheffield (UK) right next to the Peak District, which offers some of the best flying sites in the UK. I have recently joined the Nova Pilots Team, which I…

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Steve Nash will visit the Netherlands

Steve Nash will visit the Netherlands

  Hi All, on the 5th of march Steve Nash will visit the Netherlands. In the morning he will tell his Redbull X-Alps story to the Dutch instructors at an official paraglide instructors meeting. The same evening he will tell the story to our clubmembers…

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Vivelasfriends-Transpyrenees 2015

Vivelasfriends-Transpyrenees 2015

Hi everybody! ‘Don´t wanna deny to you a short vid of our Hike&Fly bivy tour through the Pyrenees from the Atlantic to the Mediterranean this last summer Happy new year !

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Thanks for a great season

Thanks for a great season

Hi Team, Wolfi, Phillip, Mik and Til This is Nate Scales and I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for a great season.  Living on the other side of the pond, I don’t get to interact with many of you, but I wanted to…

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Rumänien aus der Luft – Hike & Fly in Romania

Rumänien aus der Luft – Hike & Fly in Romania

Mit Zelt und Gleitschirm in Rumänien (note for all English speakers: please scroll down and enjoy the pictorial, which is English)   „Nach Rumänien wollt Ihr?! Ist das nicht gefährlich!!!?!!!“ bekommt man oft zu hören wenn man in eines der ärmsten Länder Europas fährt. Wir…

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New Team Pilots Werner Schuetz and Robert Heim

New Team Pilots Werner Schuetz and Robert Heim

Dear NOVA-Team, dear NOVA Team Pilots,   most of you may have witnessed that Werner Schuetz and me, Robert Heim will join you in the NOVA Pilots team. We have been flying and hiking buddies since many years so we decided to give you a brief co-introduction of…

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Fly for the view – XC-Adventures from the Dolomites (and more)

Fly for the view – XC-Adventures from the Dolomites (and more)

It’s Monday evening and I notice Raul is calling me on my phone: ‘ So, what are the plans for tomorrow???” I had already flown on Friday for the first time over Sauris from Meduno (my local take off) and on Sunday over beautiful Mt….

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Immer nach Westen

Immer nach Westen

Ich baue den letzten Flug, einer von vielen in den letzten Wochen, im Wallis auf dem Bildschirm auf. Mann, hat dieser Flugtag in unseren Reihen gewütet! 22. August. Oft hat uns der Talwind dieses Jahr verschont, aber nicht an diesem Samstag. Ich hab nicht allzu…

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Triton 2 review

Triton 2 review

Triton 2 Impressions by nate scales My name is nate scales and I was fortunate enough to join the Nova Pilots team last winter. I have been flying since 1992, I have enjoyed competing for a long time, but flying XC is my true passion….

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