Tag archive for NOVA Pilots Team - page 14

Soaring-Spaß in Dänemark

Soaring-Spaß in Dänemark

Nachdem voriges Jahr alles im Zeichen von X-Alps stand, blieb leider keine Zeit, meinem geliebten Dänemark einen Besuch abzustatten. Aber heuer konnte ich wieder einige Tage dort verbringen. Möchte Euch anhand einiger Bilder zeigen, dsas Dänemark nicht nur aus Ground Handling und Soaring besteht, sondern…

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Flying the new NOVA TRITON 2

Flying the new NOVA TRITON 2

  Dear Fellows, I’d like to share some impressions about the new Triton 2 from a recent XC Flight from Hochfelln on May20th. I had already done some winter soaring with it before, but this was my very first thermal flight with size L, 115…

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Still waiting for Summer Breeze and Thermals

Still waiting for Summer Breeze and Thermals

Way up north (on top of Norway) it has been snowing until yesterday, and there has been grusomly rare flyingopportunities. Nevertheless, I have had time enough to plan some incredible flights from mountains pilots have never entered before. So this spring & summer I am…

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Bassano – some nice days with my new Mentor 3 light

Bassano – some nice days with my new Mentor 3 light

it was all in time – the weather turned to be perfect for Bassano, my new Mentor 3 light was ready for pick up in Terfens and off we are…..after a 6 hour trip with stop over in Terfens we where welcomed from our friends…

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A walk and fly week to start into the season

A walk and fly week to start into the season

The last years every end of the winter had something in common: I was desperate to fly in thermal conditions again and therefore tried to get to Bassano at least at the beginning of march to start into the cross-country season. This year I also…

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Kari Robinson rockin’ in downunder

Kari Robinson rockin’ in downunder

Our team mate Kari Robinson has completed another 200+ km flight on her MENTOR 3 launching from Conargo near Deniliquin. Here is the link to her track. With this flight Kari took the worldwide lead in the women’s ranking of XContest and took the 5th…

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Another great flight from Sebi Benz

Another great flight from Sebi Benz

Another great flight from Sebastian Benz in Australia on his Factor 2. He flew about 323 km with an impressive average speed of 51 km/h. With five flights over 300 km and one flight over 299 km, he leads the ranking in the sport class….

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First place in Sportclass @ OPEN IQQ in the north of Chile

First place in Sportclass @ OPEN IQQ in the north of Chile

During  the first weekend in November we had the FAI2 competition in Iquique in the north of Chile. Based on last years results I had 2 objectives, first in Sportclass and top ten overall. The first day we started from “alto hospicio”, the typical take…

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Hi All NOVA Members!

Hi All NOVA Members!

My name is Michal Bujnowski and come from south of Poland – Krakow. I have been paragliding since 1996 with some breaks. Almost from beginning I was interested in xc flying, staying in one place for too long was just boring for me. I was…

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How I got a NOVA Team Pilot – A Dream comes true But maybe first of all some words about myself: My Name is Timon Weber, I’m 21 years old and I’m living and studying in Wuppertal, Germany. Planes and flying ever so far have…

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