NOVA Pilots Team Blog Adventures, Impressions and Successes of Nova Team Pilots - page 27

XC-Flying: It’s all about mental strength and attitude

XC-Flying: It’s all about mental strength and attitude

Preparation for and attitude during XC flights Last year we had a beer together after a great XC day and were talking about the importance of “the head” in cross country flying. Master mile-muncher Hans Tockner said: “XC flying is 100 % percent a mental…

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Alles Kopfsache – Mentale Vorbereitung und Einstellung beim Streckenfliegen

Alles Kopfsache – Mentale Vorbereitung und Einstellung beim Streckenfliegen

Letztes Jahr saßen wir nach einem guten Streckenflugtag beieinander und unterhielten uns darüber wie wichtig „der Kopf“ beim Streckenfliegen ist. Oberkilometerfresser Hans Tockner meinte „Das Streckenfliegen spielt sich zu 100 % im Kopf ab!“ Wir haben dieses Gespräch zu Anlass genommen unseren Team-Piloten folgende Fragen zu…

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Peru – an astonishing adventure

Peru – an astonishing adventure

Hi everybody! I am just back from Peru. I had great adventures during the last tree weeks by travelling, beeing a real tourist, flying and climbing high up! I was supposed to travel with my sister but in the last moment she said that she…

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Vorstellung Nova Team / Introtuction Nova Team

Vorstellung Nova Team / Introtuction Nova Team

Liebe Nova Teammitglieder, Dear Nova Team members, als jüngstes Teammitglied (nein, nein nicht an Jahren) darf ich die Gelegenheit nützen um mich bei Euch mit einigen Sätzen vorzustellen (einige von Euch kenne ich ja schon persönlich oder zumindest vom Mail). being the youngest team member…

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NOVA MENTOR 3 im Vergleich zum MENTOR 2 – dies ist KEIN Test

NOVA MENTOR 3 im Vergleich zum MENTOR 2 – dies ist KEIN Test

In den letzten Tagen und Wochen haben mich viele Leute nach dem MENTOR 3 gefragt. Mittlerweile habe ich ihn so intensiv geflogen, dass ich auch aus eigener „Erfliegung“ etwas dazu sagen kann (und nicht nur das nachplappere, was ich nach Erzählungen der Testpiloten bereits in…

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NOVA MENTOR 3 against MENTOR 2  –  this is NOT a test, but my personal impressions

NOVA MENTOR 3 against MENTOR 2 – this is NOT a test, but my personal impressions

In the last weeks I have been asked a lot about MENTOR 3, so I have decided to summarize my impressions. But before you keep on reading please note: This is NOT a test. I don’t have the skills as I pilot to be able…

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Para-Paparazzi reveals secret NOVA project

Para-Paparazzi reveals secret NOVA project

  During recent vacations I discovered a secret NOVA project and could observe NOVA Team Pilot Werner Luidolt during test flights. While I was hidden in the bushes I thought I could hear him talking about the NTSNBS, an abbreviation, which might mean “No Top…

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Madeira – an island of variety!

Madeira – an island of variety!

Where to go, what to do…while winterstorms are filling my village up with snow? We chose Madeira. I had heard stories about flying in Madeira, but I really didn´t know anything, as I left Tana and minus 29 degreece Celcius and landed in Funchal in…

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Introduction new Juniors Pilot: Matthias Kirchmayr

Introduction new Juniors Pilot: Matthias Kirchmayr

Hello NOVA Pilots Team, As already announced by Till, I’m the brand new member of the pilots team. In the following text, I’d like to introduce myself to you and give some information about me, my flying intentions and my general attitude to life. My…

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16.-17. March: MENTOR 3 Test-Days (Netherlands near German Border)

16.-17. March: MENTOR 3 Test-Days (Netherlands near German Border)

Hi everybody, On 16-17 March we will organize a NOVA MENTOR 3 test-day in the Netherlands near the German Border. Everybody is welcome. As we don’t have any hills we will tow you up. Two winches with 4 cables will make shure that a lot…

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