Hello to all the Nova Team Pilots out there. It’s a real privilege to be a part of the Nova Pilot Team and I look forward to meeting and flying with as many of you as possible. I come from a small island in the…
Hello to all the Nova Team Pilots out there. It’s a real privilege to be a part of the Nova Pilot Team and I look forward to meeting and flying with as many of you as possible. I come from a small island in the…
The first XC flight of my NT2LXS The preparation for 2016 season started a few months ago – in November 2015 – when I began to inquire about TRITON 2 Light XS – Thanks Steve Nash, Till Gottbrath and Johanna. Along with the decision to…
Hi Friends, a bit more than a year ago I wrote an article for DHV-Info (the mag of the German Hanggliding and Paragliding Association) about being scared while flying (which I sometimes am, in deed). I also took a photo that showed me wearing “pampers…
Ich bitte um Nachsicht, dass ich ganz allein, nur so für mich, in den Tessin fuhr – und den besten Alpenflug bis zum 21. März abdrückte. Das Wochenende hatte mich mental in Grund und Boden gestampft. Armeen von Skifahrern zogen an meiner Gondelstation…
Last weekend (5 & 6 march) Steve Nasch visited the Netherlands to tell his story about the Redbull x Alps. Not just an adventure story but a glimp into the dicision making during the race; good decisions but also bad dicisions and thus learning moments. During last…
This is at Loser (Austria), “my home”
Hi everyone, My name is John Ashman. I am 15 years old and live in Sheffield (UK) right next to the Peak District, which offers some of the best flying sites in the UK. I have recently joined the Nova Pilots Team, which I…
Hi All, on the 5th of march Steve Nash will visit the Netherlands. In the morning he will tell his Redbull X-Alps story to the Dutch instructors at an official paraglide instructors meeting. The same evening he will tell the story to our clubmembers…
Hi All :-) my name is Ferdinand Vogel. „Vogel” is German for „bird“ – and this is my life. I am originally from Germany, but a few days ago, I moved to Austria, because Pipo, Mario, Niki and all the rest of the Nova…
Hello to everybody Every year in the third week or so in january our club organize’s a mini Testival in Austria together with NOVA. This year we had little participants but again lots of fun. Erik (one of the Pilots) made this small inpression. Again…