Recently I spent a week in Annecy doing an SIV and XC course with Jocky Sanderson and then going on to participate in the Chabre Open in Laragne which was my first ever competition. The 2 weeks I spent in France were awesome and I…
Recently I spent a week in Annecy doing an SIV and XC course with Jocky Sanderson and then going on to participate in the Chabre Open in Laragne which was my first ever competition. The 2 weeks I spent in France were awesome and I…
10 years ago, just before I joined the NOVA Pilots Team changed, I was attempting to cross an unflown mountain range in Mongolia with my good friend Gareth Aston. We were unsuccessful at that attempt, mainly down to the weather and it being generally a…
In June, less than a week for the beginning of the national competition season, I was prepared for the “fight” to get the best position on the female classification and also on the overall ranking. I made my homework: since last October I started to…
The wind blows from the wrong direction. It is cloudy. Foggy. It is raining. And all you can do, is wait – for the midnightsun, and for the perfect nightflightconditions. The wind blows from the mountain, and down. You sit there. Wait. Should I walk…
Hi All, At last its Chabre time again! always looking foreward to this frendly comp with is brought with a lot of enthousiasm of David from Allez-Up the local school. Jocky Sanderson is present as the compdirector and this means a lot of laughing. Not…
Für 23. und 24. Juni sind fliegbare Tage angesagt. Gar nicht mal so schlechte. Zwar Hitze und bei uns am Alpenrand recht stabil, aber inneralpin und vor allem im Süden recht thermisch und hochbasig. Was tun? Daheimbleiben? Grente? Mit Aussichten auf Glockner, Stubaier und Dolomiten?…
With the great help of NOVA we organized a Mini Testival in the Netherlands. For the fourth time it was a big succes. Conditions were not great but enough for three days of thermalling. Together with Toni en Andrea we had a great time and…
Letzten Freitag durfte ich einen wunderbaren Flug gemeinsam mit Simon Wamser genießen. Ein Flug, bei dem nicht die Kilometer zählten. Leider war der Tag nicht so gut wie erhofft und wir konnten erst um kurz vor elf starten. Auch Thermik und Westwind waren sehr anspruchsvoll. Den…
Last week I spent 6 days on 6 islands in the Hebrides, to the west of Scotland. Thanks to amazing weather, I got to fly in some of the most beautiful locations. This is the 3rd time I have visited these islands with an alterer…
Friday evening, all is ready, glider, vario, clothes… and my new totally black Somnium harness. Finally the forecast is promising, we meet and after some joke and laugh on the shuttle, at take off the route is planned: go north to Macugnaga, Mount Rosa… Then…