Short version: With Bir it was “love at first sight” for me. Bir became my second home, so to speak. If you want to know more … just read on. Well, every paraglider pilot has probably heard of Bir. Maybe you have also read this…
Short version: With Bir it was “love at first sight” for me. Bir became my second home, so to speak. If you want to know more … just read on. Well, every paraglider pilot has probably heard of Bir. Maybe you have also read this…
New route for the Stoderzinken FAI triangle traversing the main ridge of the Alps twice. (Please scroll down for English) Vor einigen Jahren konnten wir am Stoderzinken ein neues FAI-Dreieck etablieren. Die Vorgeschichte dazu ist hier zu finden: Seither bin ich auf der Suche…
Swiss Lakes Tour – one of the most beautiful flights in 33 paragliding years. Roli (Mäder) hat nach Brienz zu «seinem» Startplatz eingeladen. Beni (Friedli) und ich haben die Einladung gerne angenommen, so haben wir uns am 24. April getroffen. Roli (Mäder) invited us to…
(Scroll down for English) NOVA Team Pilot Hubert Wegleiter flog am 16. April in Südtirol mit seinem ION 6 Light in knapp acht Stunden ein FAI-Dreieck von über 190 km Länge ( Dabei gelang ihm ein Schnitt von fast 25 km/h! Im Team-Blog erzählt Hubert…
Whenever I go out with my TRITON 2 I am immensely happy:) Cheers from the coast in Portugal and crossing my fingers for a soon end of the pandemic Silvia
(Text in English at the end) Zugegeben, die Idee von Beni Friedli ist schon etwas ambitioniert… Aber wissen tut man es erst, wenn man es versucht. Am Freitagabend und auch noch in der Nacht zum Samstag hat es geregnet. Wir befürchten, dass es noch einige…
Half a year after our record flight, we received official recognition documents by FAI. Our flight from 2nd of June 2019 is now officially the current World and European Record with 233,23 km free distance around a triangle. What was more difficult: the flight or…
Another excellent year Every year, as soon as the cross-country flying season is over and the life of an XC addict is more relaxed again, the annual meeting of the NOVA Pilots Team takes place. This time on the Köckenhof, a cosy mountain farm in…
Redbull-X-Alps – the ultimate adventure race! I’m absolutely fascinated by this race and I follow it as often as I can on the PC via live tracking. In Switzerland, the athletes had to fly or hike to Davos Turnpoint 6, then continue to the Titlis…
How I use xcontest server for flight „analysis“ This is a flight analysis I did about a flight of my NOVA Pilots Team mate Toni Brügger on his way to the Swiss xcontest-winner 2017 in fun & safety on his PHANTOM (low B wing). It’s…