Tag archive for NOVA Pilots Team - page 15

Team Meeting & NOVA „Pilots of the Year 2013“ – Big Party in Val Gardena

Team Meeting & NOVA „Pilots of the Year 2013“ – Big Party in Val Gardena

At the end of each XC season we hold our annual team meeting and award the „Pilots of the Year“ – both for outstanding achievements in XC flying and for contributing to the team spirit. In 2013 the awards went to Brigita Plemenitas (Slovenia), Hans…

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Hi Nova!

Hi Nova!

My Name is Max Mittmann and I am as well a new member of the NPT… Till asked me to write a short introduction of myself for the team blog, so here we go… But: What to write about myself? So lets start with some…

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My first hours as a member of NOVA Pilots Team or how to introduce myself

My first hours as a member of NOVA Pilots Team or how to introduce myself

I’m already sweating but it is only half past six in the morning, August 1st 2013, on my way to Grentealm. The monotonous step by step rhythm up the hill makes me daydream………was the offer from Till to become a NOVA Team Pilot a week…

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Great Days in South Tyrol

Great Days in South Tyrol

Hi everybody! Last week Robert Schaller and I (Christoph Bessei) were several days in South Tyrol. Sunday, the 11.08, was our first time at the Grente, excluded the hiking to the take off ;-), it was a really great day. Sadly Robert had some bad…

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Chabre third task

Chabre third task

Hi Everybody we had a third task which was simular with the second task. just a bit further and conditions were a bit harder. The goal was the same and i came in as number 13. Not to bad but i am not totally happy…

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Flying in the Outer Hebrides (Scotland)

Flying in the Outer Hebrides (Scotland)

Last week I was lucky enough to visit the Outer Hebrides, which are a group of islands off the North Western coast of Scotland. I didn’t really go there on a flying trip as such, but packed a couple of wings anyway……..I flew every day…

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Austria 3 im X-Alps – Probegallop

Austria 3 im X-Alps – Probegallop

AUT 3 bei den Biotech Bordairline am Radsberg In den Rollen Christian Grohs: erster Supporter, Routenchecker, Taktik. Vera Polaschegg: Foto und Filmbeauftragte und Thomas Hofbauer, zuständig für Taktik, Fliegen, Laufen und Tempomacher auf unserer sportlichen Campingreise von Salzburg nach Monaco. Um mich auf meine Aufgaben…

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XC-Flying: It’s all about mental strength and attitude

XC-Flying: It’s all about mental strength and attitude

Preparation for and attitude during XC flights Last year we had a beer together after a great XC day and were talking about the importance of “the head” in cross country flying. Master mile-muncher Hans Tockner said: “XC flying is 100 % percent a mental…

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Alles Kopfsache – Mentale Vorbereitung und Einstellung beim Streckenfliegen

Alles Kopfsache – Mentale Vorbereitung und Einstellung beim Streckenfliegen

Letztes Jahr saßen wir nach einem guten Streckenflugtag beieinander und unterhielten uns darüber wie wichtig „der Kopf“ beim Streckenfliegen ist. Oberkilometerfresser Hans Tockner meinte „Das Streckenfliegen spielt sich zu 100 % im Kopf ab!“ Wir haben dieses Gespräch zu Anlass genommen unseren Team-Piloten folgende Fragen zu…

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Peru – an astonishing adventure

Peru – an astonishing adventure

Hi everybody! I am just back from Peru. I had great adventures during the last tree weeks by travelling, beeing a real tourist, flying and climbing high up! I was supposed to travel with my sister but in the last moment she said that she…

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