Hi Nova!

Hi Nova!

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My Name is Max Mittmann and I am as well a new member of the NPT… Till asked me to write a short introduction of myself for the team blog, so here we go… But: What to write about myself? So lets start with some pictures…

How I look like:


…just like everybody of you, during a nice flight, I guess… and on the ground:


So now you can recognize me when we meet at a takeoff… Now in the air:


Oh, this might be a bit too far away (but nice late-summer-shot, isn’t it?)… So let’s zoom in a bit:


…so if you see this wing scratching around somewhere in the alps, it’s probably me trying to follow some of my fast friends, for example Sebi Benz (from the NPT as well) or DOMINIK DUSEK, who made this nice little shot very early in the morning during this years X-Alps… Thank you Domi!


Why did I paste this foto? Ah, yes, just because of the nice glacier in the background, sorry for the Ozone-Wing… It was made in front of the south-face of the Eiger… Nice location, eh? The next one is nice as well, isn’t it?


…and this is one of my favorites:


…it was done in January last year, we took off at Jungfraujoch at 3600 mÜm and soared up to 4500 mÜm… On the next picture you can see the Station of the Jungfraujoch about 900 m below me…


…and the track over Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau:


…so thats something I like: Sometimes you do not need to go to Quixada in the winter, there can be nice adventures somewhere close by! (I am writing this just to save myself from the summer-is-nearly-over-depression, and if you have a family it is difficult to travel far away for flying in winter if you spent the whole family-holiday running around in the summer). Ah, family, nice keyword, as I am writing about myself: I live in Basel with my wife and my little son, number two will arrive very soon, which is the reason why I cant come to the team-meeting… But next year hopefully!


I think everybody of you knows this mountain? Nice cloudbase, he? Who is the first one to write the name of this one in the comment? Hmmm… What else might be interesting for you? Ah, this is something I really like to do: Running around and travelling by foot…


…free-climbing steep rocks:


…and aid-climbing even steeper ones:


…so much about me, for the moment… so hopefully:

See you soon somewhere HIGH up!!!



Cheers, Max

P.S.: …and if you are in my region, just give me a call, than we can go flying together!