Tag archive for Competition - page 2

Ligafliegen / League 2017 Brasil / Ceara – TRITON 2 on TOP

Ligafliegen / League 2017 Brasil / Ceara – TRITON 2 on TOP

Good news from Brasil: Finishing the League 2017 with TRITON 2 on top! 3 stages, 3 x first place, final ranking “Gold” in open class, leaving Icepeak & Co behind!Now looking forward to my new SECTOR Cheers from Brasil and a great 2018 season. Looking…

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Jahresrückblick Team Germany letzter Teil (5) – Zurück über die Rhön in die thermikreichen Sandböden des Nordosten

Jahresrückblick Team Germany letzter Teil (5) – Zurück über die Rhön in die thermikreichen Sandböden des Nordosten

Im letzten Teil des Jahresrückblicks unseres deutschen NOVA-Flachland-Teams schließt sich die Runde: Wir kommen vom Süden in die Rhön und dann zurück in den Norden. Allerdings geht es in den Nordosten, die sogenannte Sandbüchse von Deutschland (ich glaube, ein Begriff von Uwe Krenz). Die Wasserkuppe…

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German Flatlands 2017 – first place for NOVA phantom in standard class

German Flatlands 2017 – first place for NOVA phantom in standard class

Mit dem NOVA Phantom gelang mir der erste Platz bei den German Flatlands 2017 in der Standardklasse. Coming in first in the Serial Class (up to ENC) in the German Flatlands 2017 with my PHANTOM Viel Wind, wenig Tasks, dennoch tolle Flüge und ein persönliches…

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The 4th ‘Cottbuser Spreewald Open’

The 4th ‘Cottbuser Spreewald Open’

I am a member of the 1. Cottbuser Hang- and Paragliding Club located 100 km southeast from Berlin in close proximity to the Polish border. From 25th to 27th of May our club organized the paragliding cup “Spreewald Open” for the fourth time – really…

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Good news from Poland

Good news from Poland

 Photo  :  Matyas Podor Hi  everyone! Some of good news from Poland :) We had  really good season in XC competition of 2016 in Poland  ! 1. In Fun/Standard class pilots with Nova wings  were on 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10th positions :…

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My 2016 Season – News from Silvia in Portugal

My 2016 Season – News from Silvia in Portugal

In June, less than a week for the beginning of the national competition season, I was prepared for the “fight” to get the best position on the female classification and also on the overall ranking. I made my homework: since last October I started to…

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Fatal accident at Chabre open – sad news

Fatal accident at Chabre open – sad news

Since years i have informed you all about all kind of things during Chabre open. Now there’s a sad message. I coppied this official note from the meetdirectors Dave and Jocky. Sometimes is not just the fun. Hans     It is with great regret…

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NOVA Team Pilots at Chabre Open 2016

NOVA Team Pilots at Chabre Open 2016

Hi All, At last its Chabre time again! always looking foreward to this frendly comp with is brought with a lot of enthousiasm of David from Allez-Up the local school. Jocky Sanderson is present as the compdirector and this means a lot of laughing. Not…

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The Intermountain Wide-Open

The Intermountain Wide-Open

So it has been almost a week and I finally feel like I am fully recovered from what was the 2015 Intermountain Wwide-Open, a new twist on paragliding contests.  I had organized the event as an excuse to take a week off work and go…

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Chabre was great again!

Chabre was great again!

After my unfortunally bomb out on tuesday, I had three days left to get back in the top, which is not so difficult on the very fast Triton 2 :-). But on wednesday, the race was cancelled due to strong winds. Thursday was great with…

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