NOVA Pilots Team Blog Adventures, Impressions and Successes of Nova Team Pilots - page 18

Testival in the Netherlands

Testival in the Netherlands

Hi All, last weekend we have had our annual testival in the Netherlands. Lots of fun and lots of flying. Two days we were lucky enough to have nice weather but unfortunately the 3e and 4e day were terrible because of the weather. It was…

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Hi @ all, it is a long time ago (10.2014) when I received my Triton 2. I went as quick as possible to Quixada to do my first flight with it. The forecast of the weather condition predicted quite strong winds, so I decided to…

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130 km on my first flight with the Mentor 4

130 km on my first flight with the Mentor 4

Hi everyone, I received my Mentor 4 a few days after my 16th birthday. I was so excited to fly it! After two days of studying airspace and the forecast I was on the hill with my flightplan and declared 100km goal, ready to pull…

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TEAMPILOT BONUS: FRIENDSHIP ACROSS THE BORDERS While Teampilots posts blogs about great XC achievments, fantastic experiences flying Triton 2 or Mentor 4, in Brazil or Kenya or even locally – I have been shuffeling snow all winter. After a couple hours, all my work has been…

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The scientific proof why this seasons’s team design colours are great

The scientific proof why this seasons’s team design colours are great

German news magazine “Der Spiegel” published an article that red is the colour of winners. See This is gonne be a great season for teh NPT with our red wings. Just look at the photo that Werner Luidolt took of Hannes Kronbeger on his…

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What you read here are my personal impressions with my MENTOR 4… Before you go on, you should know the following: Last winter I applied to become a NOVA team pilot because I really like the vision of the NOVA pilots team – and was…

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Hi from Flo Heuber – Junior pilot from Germany

Hi from Flo Heuber – Junior pilot from Germany

My name is: Florian Heuber, but everybody calls me by my nick name „Flo“. I am 17 years old and live near Starnberg, some kilometers south of Munich. Still going to school. At least one more year. Coming from a rock climbing background, I always…

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Dutchies now know paraglider pilots don’t Jump of mountains!

Dutchies now know paraglider pilots don’t Jump of mountains!

A surprising call In spring 2014 Hans and I received a phone call by Eric de Kruijk who said he is planning to make a small documentary about paragliding. A bit bewildered Hans asked who he was and how he got his telephone number. He…

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Video walk and flying Days Altausse 2014

Video walk and flying Days Altausse 2014

It was a great time!   The motivation video for the next walk and flying season ;-)

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Flying Adventures in Kenya

Flying Adventures in Kenya

Kerio, Rift Valley, Kenya, 15-25 January 2015 When my Italian team mate Rinaldo Vuerich, jokingly, told us that he intend to go again in Kenya in 2015 to stay less time than last year and in a cheaper accommodation, I began to think that it…

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