Endlich mal weniger WInd – und endlich mal ein halbwegs gutes FAI-Dreieck vom Hochfelln

Endlich mal weniger WInd – und endlich mal ein halbwegs gutes FAI-Dreieck vom Hochfelln

To all English speaking friends: the photo capture texts are in English. Und vor allem: Endlich mal richtig wunderbares Gleitschirmfliegen…   Ich fuhr – wie ich meinte früh – mit der 9-Uhr-Gondel hoch, aber als ich ausstieg, lag der Startplatz bereits voller Schirme. Der Wind…

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A walk and fly week to start into the season

A walk and fly week to start into the season

The last years every end of the winter had something in common: I was desperate to fly in thermal conditions again and therefore tried to get to Bassano at least at the beginning of march to start into the cross-country season. This year I also…

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climb & fly Königsjodler – from Roland Werner

climb & fly Königsjodler – from Roland Werner

Hello guys! This season I tried to focus more on my studies (microbiology) which I’m in the final stadium now. Believe me, I had a hard time, trying not to fly too much and spend more time in the lab and behind the desk. Anyway,…

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Pamukkale Paragliding

Pamukkale Paragliding

A trip to Turkey Last December Mitja an I decided to go to Turkey for some nice cross-country flights. So two weeks ago, he took a flight to Istanbul and I to Antalya and we met at Artemis Yoruk Hotel in Pamukkale. While staying there…

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XC-Open Piedrahita 2010 – Task 3 and 4

XC-Open Piedrahita 2010 – Task 3 and 4

On monday the weather was very similar to the days before: We had north-eastern Wind and good thermals with no clouds. So it was clear that the main road for big flights would be through the Cherry-Tree-Valley. I noticed too late, that the wind got…

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CROSSALPS 2010 – Till’s Report (in German only)

CROSSALPS 2010 – Till’s Report (in German only)

Taktikspiele und der Außerirdische Dieses Jahr fanden die Crossalps zum fünften Mal statt. Und für alle, die nicht wissen, was sich dahinter versteckt, hier die Info in Kürze (alle anderen sollen halt zwei Absätze „springen“): Die Crossalps sind ein Wettbewerb, bei dem man nur zu…

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Juniors & Ladies Challenge 2010 – Task 3

Juniors & Ladies Challenge 2010 – Task 3

After 3 days in the rain, we were happy to go up. But the weather wasn’t too good, because of all the cirrus. So we started a groundstarted race. After starting we soon recognized that it will be a race down with some circles. Even…

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Juniors & Ladies Challenge 2010 – Task 1 and Task 2

Juniors & Ladies Challenge 2010 – Task 1 and Task 2

Here we are sitting in the rain: Task 1 was cancelled and so we pray for better weather! And this day wasn’t better, so once again the task was cancelled. But tomorrow looks better :-) Greetings Dominic and Chris

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little fun-video

little fun-video

Hi all Got my new action camera a week ago -these are the first pictures that I put together quickly: http://outdoor.rolee.net/videos.php?vid=33015 Two days afterwards my new Triton arrived and I already have some nice video-material with it. So a more sophisticated video will be coming…

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A Real Big Cup

A Real Big Cup

Dear Friends from NOVA Pilots Team, last week my club mate Andrea Dorsch and me were awarded with the Priental-Pokal. Our club, the “Drachen- and Gleitschirmflieger Club Aschau Kampenwand” wants to promote XC-flying among the club members with the cup and it is given to…

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