XC-Open Piedrahita 2010 – Task 3 and 4

XC-Open Piedrahita 2010 – Task 3 and 4

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On monday the weather was very similar to the days before: We had north-eastern Wind and good thermals with no clouds. So it was clear that the main road for big flights would be through the Cherry-Tree-Valley. I noticed too late, that the wind got very strong after the first hour of the flight. At the end I didn’t make a good distance, but I had a nice flight. The hero of the day was Christoph: He managed to cross the Cherry-Tree-Valley and made a fantastic flight. After 6 and a half hours he had flown 172 km (look here for his flight) and so he got a 5th place in the overall list of this day.

When we woke up the next day it didn’t look very good, because of all the cirrus in the air. But the task was better than we expected. My flight began very good, but I wasn’t able to come over the pass. It was really frustrating, because with 50 meters more I would have reached the thermal, in which some pilots got up again before me. Again it was Christoph who made a good job. He got over the pass and reached Avilla. At the end this meant 68 km and 7th place for him overall.

Today the task was cancelled and so we look forward to the last 3 days.

At the moment Christoph leads the sports-class and I have a chance for a good place in the fun-class. (look here)

So let’s look what the last days will bring.

Greetings Dominic and Christoph