NOVA Pilots Team Blog Adventures, Impressions and Successes of Nova Team Pilots - page 26

Raul Moras flying a World Record (flat triangle) in Standard Class with MENTOR 3

Raul Moras flying a World Record (flat triangle) in Standard Class with MENTOR 3

                    On August 12th NOVA Team Pilot Raul Moras from Italy flew a new record in the standard class. Launching at Sorica in Slovenia, Raul flew 267.8 km on his Mentor 3 with average speed of…

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CrossAlps 2013

CrossAlps 2013

July 27th, 2013 – Grainbach, Germany – CrossAlps 2013 I’m stood under the inflatable Biotech start gate with other CrossAlp’ers, wondering with trepidation what this 33 hour event is going to be like in a German heatwave ! With the group photo taken, its 5…

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British Open – Portugal

British Open – Portugal

Two weeks ago, myself and Idris competed in the British Championships held at Manteigas in Portugal. The location was new to almost everyone in the field, so the event was wide open. We were both competing on NOVA Factor 2’s, which still proved to be…

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Last Task at Chabre

Last Task at Chabre

Today it was the last task at the Chabre open. we started late because the weather predictions were not to great and very different. west or north wind, or even south. Chabre or Buc. We ended up sederon but just before start was opened it…

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Chabre third task

Chabre third task

Hi Everybody we had a third task which was simular with the second task. just a bit further and conditions were a bit harder. The goal was the same and i came in as number 13. Not to bad but i am not totally happy…

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A Hello from Chabre

A Hello from Chabre

Hi to all readers, At the moment we are in Chabre, for the Chabre open. Some statements: Atmosphere: fantastic Flying conditions: great (so far) Competitors: 124 Drink and food…hmmm depending on ourselves but the BBQ works well Tasks: challenging My status: hmmm Wings used: mainly…

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Ask the giants for a dance (XC flying in Valais)

Ask the giants for a dance (XC flying in Valais)

Watch this picture: We see the team glider Mentor 3 of Kurt Fischer while he pushed the trigger of his camera, thermaling with Rolf von Arx also riding the Mentor 3 in his very spezial design. In the background we see – very small –…

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Flying in the Outer Hebrides (Scotland)

Flying in the Outer Hebrides (Scotland)

Last week I was lucky enough to visit the Outer Hebrides, which are a group of islands off the North Western coast of Scotland. I didn’t really go there on a flying trip as such, but packed a couple of wings anyway……..I flew every day…

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SUSI 10 slpash and fun at LCC

SUSI 10 slpash and fun at LCC

The Lakes Charity Classic (LCC) is an informal paragliding competition held in some of England’s most spectacular scenery.  The event is acompanied by a massive party, flight displays and all sorts of activities celebrating our wonderful sport. This year my SUSI 10 and me where a part of it….

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Austria 3 im X-Alps – Probegallop

Austria 3 im X-Alps – Probegallop

AUT 3 bei den Biotech Bordairline am Radsberg In den Rollen Christian Grohs: erster Supporter, Routenchecker, Taktik. Vera Polaschegg: Foto und Filmbeauftragte und Thomas Hofbauer, zuständig für Taktik, Fliegen, Laufen und Tempomacher auf unserer sportlichen Campingreise von Salzburg nach Monaco. Um mich auf meine Aufgaben…

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