Last Task at Chabre

Last Task at Chabre

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Today it was the last task at the Chabre open.

we started late because the weather predictions were not to great and very different. west or north wind, or even south. Chabre or Buc. We ended up sederon but just before start was opened it was decided to break it of and move everything to buc (west) everybody have to walk there as the gliders go in the buses. i was lucky and good get a lift.
Buc was in the shade and as the task was the same (only elapsed time in place of a race start). i decided to wait just a little longer to take off. once i started it ended up in a race with constant new decisions. In stead of tail wind we had head wind. some ridges didn,t work and as a flatland pilot it was quit difficult for me. I decided to race only very little but mainly stay as high as possible and take a route under clouds as much as possible. that worked out quit well and i came as second in goal out of 4 in goal totally and in the fastest time…so Day-winner.

That got me a lot higher on the ranking and ended up third in sports class :-), And 8e overall

Thanks for the organizers for another great competition at Chabre
