NOVA Pilots Team Blog Adventures, Impressions and Successes of Nova Team Pilots - page 29

Serial Cup 2012-Jessica’s version

Serial Cup 2012-Jessica’s version

What a fantastic way to end the summer!! This was by far my favorite comp of the 2012 season. Unfortunately due to weather we only flew 3 tasks however they were 3 great tasks. Tolmin is without a doubt my favorite place to fly in…

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PYRENEES HIKE & FLY – from West to East

PYRENEES HIKE & FLY – from West to East

On Wednesday 22nd August, Dean Crosby and Steve Nash will set off on a hike and fly adventure across the Pyrenees. We will start from Hendaye in France and will either travel on foot or underneath our NOVA ION2 LIGHT paragliders to Cadaques on Spain’s Mediterranean coast;…

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Italian Championships 2012 – Bassano del Grappa

Italian Championships 2012 – Bassano del Grappa

Italian Championships 2012 – Bassano del Grappa Sun, a nice place, loveley people and great conditions for a competition…this is what the Italian Championships were! Bassano, a place where you can fly all year long was the setting of this competition from 28th of July…

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CROSSALPS 2012 – Location: Hochries, Germany.

CROSSALPS 2012 – Location: Hochries, Germany.

Last weekend 3 Nova Team Pilots competed in the 2012 edition of the Crossalps, a hiking and paragliding competition with the objective to go as far away AND back in 33 hours; with the emphasis on having fun whilst trying. Till Gottbrath, Vera Polaschegg and…

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Veras Crossalps 2012

Veras Crossalps 2012

Bei Sauwetter das Packl stundenlang geradeaus über eine Landstraße schleppen?- Die spinnen ja! Lieber 1000m senkrecht als stundenlang so geradeaus hatschn! Da fall ich ja um vor lauter Langeweile und Fußweh- so war meine Devise noch vor einem Jahr…. Bis ich dann vergangenen Herbst mit…

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Disappointing Finish of the Dutch Open Flatland Competition

Disappointing Finish of the Dutch Open Flatland Competition

As I told you in an all earlier story. The Dutch open flatlands ends with a finale weekend with the 16 best pilots. There are always two weekends in case there is bad weather on the first weekend. This year on both weekends the weather…

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No more Tasks

No more Tasks

Last update from Chabre unfortunally the weather wasn,t that good. we flow almost every day but tasks were cancelled due to weather conditions. That was not so good for Chavert and myself because we were every time in the front gaggle and would have been…

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Chabre..the next days

Chabre..the next days

Task 2 strong winds made it impossible to do a large task so the taskcommite decided to a 30 km run partly with the wind. there were higher clouds so the sun was at times covered. it was an elapsed time race with a exit…

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Chabre Open

Chabre Open

Hi you all, i told you to keep you informed about the Chabre open…. Well it started yesterday with a test task from about 30 km. Chavert and i started of early. the wind was sw and strong. in the end chavert and i made…

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British Paragliding Open

British Paragliding Open

So last week was the first leg of the British Championships 2012, the event was held in Meduno in Italy near the Slovenian border. The competition had very special service, because normally to “free fly” in the area is difficult because there is an American…

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