NOVA Pilots Team Blog Adventures, Impressions and Successes of Nova Team Pilots - page 17

Triton 2 review

Triton 2 review

Triton 2 Impressions by nate scales My name is nate scales and I was fortunate enough to join the Nova Pilots team last winter. I have been flying since 1992, I have enjoyed competing for a long time, but flying XC is my true passion….

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The Intermountain Wide-Open

The Intermountain Wide-Open

So it has been almost a week and I finally feel like I am fully recovered from what was the 2015 Intermountain Wwide-Open, a new twist on paragliding contests.  I had organized the event as an excuse to take a week off work and go…

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MENTOR 4 – SIV in Annecy

MENTOR 4 – SIV in Annecy

Had the chance to take part in a safety training at the Campus Annecy / France. A camp organized by Juergen (Kraus) and Christa (Vogel). Both are in this business for almost two decades. So tons of experience on their side. Felt very safe right…

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Chabre was great again!

Chabre was great again!

After my unfortunally bomb out on tuesday, I had three days left to get back in the top, which is not so difficult on the very fast Triton 2 :-). But on wednesday, the race was cancelled due to strong winds. Thursday was great with…

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Competition Results with my M4 XS – from Silvia (Portugal)

Competition Results with my M4 XS – from Silvia (Portugal)

Hi from Portugal I want to share with you about my second national competition with M4 XS :) Well, I did goal on second task –   But I got 0 points, because I passed the altitude limit of 3200 meters… There was very…

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Chabre 2015

Chabre 2015

  Hi everybody, its Chabre open time again. Lots of good fun with Jocky, Mike and David and compagny. Three task flown so far and conditions are great. The first two task I landed in good times on goal putting me in 5e position. BUT……yesterday…

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SIBERIA – why go there?

SIBERIA – why go there?

HIGHFLYING FRIENDSHIP I met some friends at Langnes airport (Tromsø, Norway), who asked me where I was heading. I heard myself say; I am on my way to Siberia. – To Siberia? – Isn´t it cold, in Siberia? – What the hell are you going…

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Die kleinen Freuden

Die kleinen Freuden

Können 4,4 km freie Wertungsstrecke einem Streckenflieger ein Lächeln auf das Gesicht zaubern? Ich würde behaupten: Ja! Der Beweisgang folgt ;) Ich bin Alpenflieger durch und durch. Ich liebe die Alpen. Ich wohne aber nicht in den Alpen, sondern in Wuppertal. Wuppertal liegt nicht in…

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Endlich mal weniger WInd – und endlich mal ein halbwegs gutes FAI-Dreieck vom Hochfelln

Endlich mal weniger WInd – und endlich mal ein halbwegs gutes FAI-Dreieck vom Hochfelln

To all English speaking friends: the photo capture texts are in English. Und vor allem: Endlich mal richtig wunderbares Gleitschirmfliegen…   Ich fuhr – wie ich meinte früh – mit der 9-Uhr-Gondel hoch, aber als ich ausstieg, lag der Startplatz bereits voller Schirme. Der Wind…

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Cloud to Cloud: Towing Testival Netherlands filmed with a drone

Cloud to Cloud: Towing Testival Netherlands filmed with a drone

Hi All, i’ve made a small film recorded  with my drone and a gopro hero 3+. . you ‘ll  find it here. Have fun. Best regards, Hans

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