Last week I was lucky enough to visit the Outer Hebrides, which are a group of islands off the North Western coast of Scotland. I didn’t really go there on a flying trip as such, but packed a couple of wings anyway……..I flew every day…
Last week I was lucky enough to visit the Outer Hebrides, which are a group of islands off the North Western coast of Scotland. I didn’t really go there on a flying trip as such, but packed a couple of wings anyway……..I flew every day…
Hi everybody! I am just back from Peru. I had great adventures during the last tree weeks by travelling, beeing a real tourist, flying and climbing high up! I was supposed to travel with my sister but in the last moment she said that she…
Where to go, what to do…while winterstorms are filling my village up with snow? We chose Madeira. I had heard stories about flying in Madeira, but I really didn´t know anything, as I left Tana and minus 29 degreece Celcius and landed in Funchal in…
Hallo Fliegerfreunde Habe zwei spannende Fliegerwochen hinter mir mit zwei FAI2-Compes im Norden von Chile. Der erste Wettkampf fand in IQQ (Iquique) ganz im Norden von Chile statt. Vier Tasks waren angesagt und vier Tasks wurden auch gestartet, wobei der schönste von allen aus mir…
Hi Everyone, After an amazing summer in Europe I am back in Nepal for the winter and back to work. Nepal has become THE place to go paragliding with more and more tourists flying every year. It’s been incredible to watch the growth over the…
As a way of sharing our recent Pyrenees Hike & Fly adventure with other pilots, we decided to record a Podcast. Judith Mole (who helped us at the end of our trip) has created a diverse range of paragliding related podcasts and she has now added our…
Well we made it across the Pyrenees, exactly in the 18 days that we had allowed ourselves. The strong north wind that set up for almost a week in the middle of the crossing ensured that we walked a significant part of the way. Although…
On Wednesday 22nd August, Dean Crosby and Steve Nash will set off on a hike and fly adventure across the Pyrenees. We will start from Hendaye in France and will either travel on foot or underneath our NOVA ION2 LIGHT paragliders to Cadaques on Spain’s Mediterranean coast;…
Task 2 strong winds made it impossible to do a large task so the taskcommite decided to a 30 km run partly with the wind. there were higher clouds so the sun was at times covered. it was an elapsed time race with a exit…
Hi you all, i told you to keep you informed about the Chabre open…. Well it started yesterday with a test task from about 30 km. Chavert and i started of early. the wind was sw and strong. in the end chavert and i made…