Flying over Borromeo Islands

Flying over Borromeo Islands

This year we had the opportunity to land on one of the most visited island of my countryside, Isola Maggiore or Pescatori, Borromeo’s Island, Lago Maggiore. We took off from Mottarone, at 1500 m and we landed on the island. This was possible because we…

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Actions speak louder than words! Pilots fund-raising

Actions speak louder than words! Pilots fund-raising

The Delta Club Monterosa Macugnaga, on Sunday, December 4 has promoted, like many other clubs, a precision landing event to raise funds in favour of the victims of the earthquake in central Italy. The income amounted to € 1,400 and the sum was donated in…

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The more the merrier! (Shared fun is more fun!)

The more the merrier! (Shared fun is more fun!)

Friday evening, all is ready, glider, vario, clothes… and my new totally black Somnium harness. Finally the forecast is promising, we meet and after some joke and laugh on the shuttle, at take off the route is planned: go north to Macugnaga, Mount Rosa… Then…

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