Tag archive for Competition - page 4

A Hello from Chabre

A Hello from Chabre

Hi to all readers, At the moment we are in Chabre, for the Chabre open. Some statements: Atmosphere: fantastic Flying conditions: great (so far) Competitors: 124 Drink and food…hmmm depending on ourselves but the BBQ works well Tasks: challenging My status: hmmm Wings used: mainly…

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Flying in the Outer Hebrides (Scotland)

Flying in the Outer Hebrides (Scotland)

Last week I was lucky enough to visit the Outer Hebrides, which are a group of islands off the North Western coast of Scotland. I didn’t really go there on a flying trip as such, but packed a couple of wings anyway……..I flew every day…

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XC-Flying: It’s all about mental strength and attitude

XC-Flying: It’s all about mental strength and attitude

Preparation for and attitude during XC flights Last year we had a beer together after a great XC day and were talking about the importance of “the head” in cross country flying. Master mile-muncher Hans Tockner said: “XC flying is 100 % percent a mental…

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Zweiter Rang in der Sportklasse @ Open IQQ und @ Open Antofagasta

Zweiter Rang in der Sportklasse @ Open IQQ und @ Open Antofagasta

Hallo Fliegerfreunde Habe zwei spannende Fliegerwochen hinter mir mit zwei FAI2-Compes im Norden von Chile. Der erste Wettkampf fand in IQQ (Iquique) ganz im Norden von Chile statt. Vier Tasks waren angesagt und vier Tasks wurden auch gestartet, wobei der schönste von allen aus mir…

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Serialcup 2012 – Slovenia (from Simon)

Serialcup 2012 – Slovenia (from Simon)

Hello to everybody from Slovenia! Previous week we had FAI 2 comp in Soca valley called Serialcup 2012. There was place for 110 entrants and comp was actually full more then 1 month before it started. We had some great flying days week before competition,…

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Veras Crossalps 2012

Veras Crossalps 2012

Bei Sauwetter das Packl stundenlang geradeaus über eine Landstraße schleppen?- Die spinnen ja! Lieber 1000m senkrecht als stundenlang so geradeaus hatschn! Da fall ich ja um vor lauter Langeweile und Fußweh- so war meine Devise noch vor einem Jahr…. Bis ich dann vergangenen Herbst mit…

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Disappointing Finish of the Dutch Open Flatland Competition

Disappointing Finish of the Dutch Open Flatland Competition

As I told you in an all earlier story. The Dutch open flatlands ends with a finale weekend with the 16 best pilots. There are always two weekends in case there is bad weather on the first weekend. This year on both weekends the weather…

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Factor 2 Dominates the Nepal Open in 2012

Factor 2 Dominates the Nepal Open in 2012

I am very excited to announce that I am the newest member of the Nova Pilots Team. I’m thrilled to be joining such a fantastic group of pilots and I really appreciate how welcome you’ve made me feel already. After months of flying tandems here…

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Austrian XC Championships – from Joe

Austrian XC Championships – from Joe

Although it’s been a long way to drive to Gnadenwald near Innsbruck for my kids and back to Graz the other day (special thanks to the DVD player in the car), I couldn’t stay at home, knowing that the colleagues will step up and down…

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