NOVA Pilots Team Blog Adventures, Impressions and Successes of Nova Team Pilots - page 22

30 Hours to Happiness and Satisfaction

30 Hours to Happiness and Satisfaction

17. July 2014 195 km FAI / 225 km free distance/ 9 h airtime It is 6 am when we arrive at the Grente parking in the woods above Antholz (Anterselva) Valley. We are still a little sleepy from a very short night. The…

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Dean Crosby & Triton 2

Dean Crosby & Triton 2

Who would not expect good results if you match a world class pilot with a world class glider. Nonetheless I was surprised to get a phone call from Dean Crosby on monday evening. A few days ago he had received his first Triton 2 demo…

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Crossalps 2014

Crossalps 2014

Nachdem ich voriges Jahr aufgrund der X-Alps Teilnahme auf einen Start beim Crossalps verzichten musste, freute ich mich heuer umso mehr einen der begehrten Startplätze für den Jubiläumsbewerb ergattert zu haben. Es ist schon ein irres Gefühl gemeinsam mit 110 Fliegern unten am Start zu…

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Chabre final results….

Chabre final results….

After Chavert and i both bombed out on the first day, we had some catch up to do. We used the third (and last) race for this. It was a 55 km task and conditions were very poor at the beginning. Initialy the idea was…

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Chabre update 3

Chabre update 3

YESSS….. at last we flew tasks, yesterday and today. Not very big ones but….we had tasks. How did we fly? well Chavert bombed out about 8 k before goal and i made it to land on goal but did not get the turningpoint behind goal…

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Chabre Update

Chabre Update

Hi All, actually there is no news…Task saturday…no! Sunday unfortunally, monday too much wind. it was possible to do free flying , so we had some nice flights but no competition days. The only good news..The Netherlands beat the mexicans so were in the 1/4…

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Chabre open

Chabre open

HI All, Chabre open is starting tomorrow again with a test task if weather is okay. The next week i will keep you posted. how things work out overhere. atmosphere is great again and we had a nice flight yesterday and today. nothing spectacular but…

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Soaring-Spaß in Dänemark

Soaring-Spaß in Dänemark

Nachdem voriges Jahr alles im Zeichen von X-Alps stand, blieb leider keine Zeit, meinem geliebten Dänemark einen Besuch abzustatten. Aber heuer konnte ich wieder einige Tage dort verbringen. Möchte Euch anhand einiger Bilder zeigen, dsas Dänemark nicht nur aus Ground Handling und Soaring besteht, sondern…

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Flying the new NOVA TRITON 2

Flying the new NOVA TRITON 2

  Dear Fellows, I’d like to share some impressions about the new Triton 2 from a recent XC Flight from Hochfelln on May20th. I had already done some winter soaring with it before, but this was my very first thermal flight with size L, 115…

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Wenn eine Vision zur Wirklichkeit wird: 251,44 km FAI Dreieck vom Stoderzinken …

Wenn eine Vision zur Wirklichkeit wird: 251,44 km FAI Dreieck vom Stoderzinken …

Der 20. Mai 2014 – was für ein Tag – was für eine Geschichte aka: »the brand new Werner FAI« … der Ursprung liegt in einem E-Mail vom 8. Februar 2010 :-) 2009 bin ich vom Segelfliegen zum Gleitschirmcruisen umgestiegen und hatte den ersten Kontakt…

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