Chabre Open 2011 – Day 5 & 6

Chabre Open 2011 – Day 5 & 6

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Day five: It’s raining cats and dogs , so no task. In the evening e great party with paella and pizza and lots of fun……its ending late :-)

Day six: Better weather and they take us to Buc Sederon were a good westerly wind is waiting for us with a low cloudbase. The task is set on about 26 km. We wait but CB ‘s over Sisteron make that the organisation decides to cancel the task. We are going for a free flight and Chavert and i take of almost directly. The termals are surprisingly good. We decide to fly to Chabre and then to the camping but end up in lee thermals. We fly back and at that point i decide to try to fly the task. This wasn’t to difficult and i am not alone. Several gliders are on the way. Despite the extra route we made, I am the first to land on goal :-).

Chavert tried to fly to the camping but the wind is just to strong. If he would turn around he would be in goal shortly after me. In total 11 pilots make it there.

Unfortunately for me….no points. I remain at the first position.

To be continued

Chavert & Hans