Redbull-X-Alps – the ultimate adventure race! I’m absolutely fascinated by this race and I follow it as often as I can on the PC via live tracking.
In Switzerland, the athletes had to fly or hike to Davos Turnpoint 6, then continue to the Titlis Turnpoint 7. Now, I had the chance to experience Chrigel & Co live … but where to go? Should I wait on the Top of the Titlis or drive to Davos?
I decided to fly from Engelberg to Davos, “against the stream”. The Flight was fantastic, with some tailwind and a high cloudbase. I made good progress … but where were Chrigel & Co?
Beyond Klosters I saw a white Paraglider in the distance and flew towards it. It was Maxime Pinot. We did a few circles together – and off he glided towards Davos.
I landed in Klosters after 6,5 hours and 150 km with a big smile. At the same time, Chrigel landed on the Titlis, having flown 269km on this day with an average speedof 38.46 km/h. RESPECT!!
Blue sky
Till Gottbrath
Jun 28, 2019 -
COOL! Und tolle Landschaft. Danke Joe!