Hey NOVA team pilots,
Dominic Schärtl, Sebastian Benz and I are at Piedrahita/Spain at the moment.
Here is the XC Open from the 27.08 until the 04.09.

Dominic Schärt at Pena Negra take off
Saturday, 28.08
Our first day and our first task, but today is no southwestwind which pushs us along the convergence line.
We have strong northwind today and so it’s a very tactical race.Dominic and I fly some “zigzag”, Sebastian try to fly over the pass in the east.
Sadly Sebastian have to land early and injure his knee during the landing. Get well soon!!
Dominic’s “zigzag” tactic works a bit better and he can fly over 40km.
With some tips via radio from dominic and more luck I can fly 60km.
Daily results:
Sunday, 29.08
Second day, second task.
Again strong northwind and a “cloudbase”(blue sky) below 3000m.
Today more pilots fly “zigzag” along the ridge, also an extended version of yesterday.
Because of the low cloudbase and the strong wind thermaling is very difficult.
Sebastian is not able to fly because of his knee, maybe tomorrow.
Dominic fly 45km and I 75km.
The task winner flies over 140km.
Daily results:
Weather forecast is like yesterday and the day before yesterday.
Hopefully we can fly more far to the west.
Wish us luck.
Aug 31, 2010 -
i cross my fingers for you guys!!!