Tag archive for Grente

New personal best with my beloved XENON

New personal best with my beloved XENON

On July 19 I was able to fly a 280 km FAI triangle from Grente (South Tyrol) with my XENON. Here are my impressions and the track:  www.xcontest.org/world/en/flights/detail:Timon/19.07.2022/07:35   Finally the weather report forecasts a day with little wind and a high cloud-base. Thus, about…

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Great Days in South Tyrol

Great Days in South Tyrol

Hi everybody! Last week Robert Schaller and I (Christoph Bessei) were several days in South Tyrol. Sunday, the 11.08, was our first time at the Grente, excluded the hiking to the take off ;-), it was a really great day. Sadly Robert had some bad…

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