Tag archive for Competition - page 3

Competition Results with my M4 XS – from Silvia (Portugal)

Competition Results with my M4 XS – from Silvia (Portugal)

Hi from Portugal I want to share with you about my second national competition with M4 XS :) Well, I did goal on second task – http://www.xcontest.org/world/en/flights/detail:SilviaVenturaNovaTeamPilot/28.6.2015/12:38   But I got 0 points, because I passed the altitude limit of 3200 meters… There was very…

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Chabre 2015

Chabre 2015

  Hi everybody, its Chabre open time again. Lots of good fun with Jocky, Mike and David and compagny. Three task flown so far and conditions are great. The first two task I landed in good times on goal putting me in 5e position. BUT……yesterday…

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Hi @ all, it is a long time ago (10.2014) when I received my Triton 2. I went as quick as possible to Quixada to do my first flight with it. The forecast of the weather condition predicted quite strong winds, so I decided to…

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Crossalps 2014

Crossalps 2014

Nachdem ich voriges Jahr aufgrund der X-Alps Teilnahme auf einen Start beim Crossalps verzichten musste, freute ich mich heuer umso mehr einen der begehrten Startplätze für den Jubiläumsbewerb ergattert zu haben. Es ist schon ein irres Gefühl gemeinsam mit 110 Fliegern unten am Start zu…

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Chabre Update

Chabre Update

Hi All, actually there is no news…Task saturday…no! Sunday unfortunally, monday too much wind. it was possible to do free flying , so we had some nice flights but no competition days. The only good news..The Netherlands beat the mexicans so were in the 1/4…

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Chabre open

Chabre open

HI All, Chabre open is starting tomorrow again with a test task if weather is okay. The next week i will keep you posted. how things work out overhere. atmosphere is great again and we had a nice flight yesterday and today. nothing spectacular but…

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First place in Sportclass @ OPEN IQQ in the north of Chile

First place in Sportclass @ OPEN IQQ in the north of Chile

During  the first weekend in November we had the FAI2 competition in Iquique in the north of Chile. Based on last years results I had 2 objectives, first in Sportclass and top ten overall. The first day we started from “alto hospicio”, the typical take…

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My X-Alps adventure

My X-Alps adventure

  Hi everybody! This year my boyfriend Peter Gebhard and me as well as Gerald Demetz as the second supporter took part in the Redbull X-Alps 2013, the biggest (and craziest) paragliding adventure race. It was an extraordinary experience and I would like to share…

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British Open – Portugal

British Open – Portugal

Two weeks ago, myself and Idris competed in the British Championships held at Manteigas in Portugal. The location was new to almost everyone in the field, so the event was wide open. We were both competing on NOVA Factor 2’s, which still proved to be…

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Chabre third task

Chabre third task

Hi Everybody we had a third task which was simular with the second task. just a bit further and conditions were a bit harder. The goal was the same and i came in as number 13. Not to bad but i am not totally happy…

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