Another great flight from Sebastian Benz in Australia on his Factor 2. He flew about 323 km with an impressive average speed of 51 km/h. With five flights over 300 km and one flight over 299 km, he leads the ranking in the sport class….
Another great flight from Sebastian Benz in Australia on his Factor 2. He flew about 323 km with an impressive average speed of 51 km/h. With five flights over 300 km and one flight over 299 km, he leads the ranking in the sport class….
Kari Roberson flew about 297 km on her Mentor3. A new Australian women’s open distance record.
Um die aufwindfreie Zeit konstruktiv zu nutzen, bot der Fliegerstammtisch Steiermark unter der Leitung von Bernd Humpl eine Fortbildung der besonders feinen Art. Der Meterologe Hermann Trimmel, seit 30 Jahren erfolgreicher Segelflieger, Staatsmeister in der 18m Klasse und Coach des Nationalteams, reiste an und brachte…
After weeks of bad weather, it finally stopped raining for a day in the UK this weekend, so I managed to sneak a first flight on my new Mentor 3 Light :) Steve
Since November, the our Swiss friend has been attempting a 400 km flight in Australia. The NOVA team pilot has not achieved it yet, but he has bettered his own unofficial Australian record: on the 24th November 2013 he flew his Factor 2 375,26 km…
Seit November jagt der Schweizer in Australien die 400 Kilometermarke. Es hat sie zwar noch nicht erreicht, aber er überbot den von ihm selbst gehaltenen australischen Rekord: mit seinem FACTOR 2 flog er am 24. November 2013 mit einem Schnitt von 44,34 km/h 375,26 km…
The last post for today :-).. next weekend 15-19 January. i will be with a couple of (nice) Dutch pilots be in Westendorf (austria) Toni will be our Host with the first Toni on tour this year (i Think :-) ) offcourse everybody is welcome…lets…
Hi All, i am bussy to establishing or own school and club… it s called C2C (CloudtoCloud) . would be great if you “like” our fb page to support us Cheers and Thx Hans
Hey guys, Yesterday we had perfect soaring conditions at the Kandel. We were soaring for a long time over the amazing winter landscape. In the end of the day we got the present of a really nice sunset. Here some pictures, so you can share…
During the first weekend in November we had the FAI2 competition in Iquique in the north of Chile. Based on last years results I had 2 objectives, first in Sportclass and top ten overall. The first day we started from “alto hospicio”, the typical take…