Before you keep on reading, I would like to inform you that I am a NOVA team pilot and that I handle NOVA’s public relations. So I’m completely biased! However, what I write here is something I would also tell to my friends. 
On Thursday, April 17th, the weather forecast for Bassano was exceptionally good. I don’t like Bassano a lot: too many people. However, the forecast made some folks from our club go there.
The thermal gradient was really steep. As a result, thermals were very small and very strong. They made flying very demanding. There were tree landings, reserve deployments and after noon the launch was closed due to the turbulent conditions. At that time I was fighting to go East. Above Monte Grappa I was desperately trying to move on East. I managed to go up really high (2813 m). When trying to penetrate into the headwind from that height, I was on full bar but the speed was sometimes less than 10 km/h (have a look at the track http://www.xcontest.org/world/de/fluge/details/:Gottbrath/17.4.2014/10:12#fd=comment). The headwind was really strong and so were the thermals.
You know that this means that the air is everything else than quite. Yet, the MENTOR light gave me a very safe feeling and still provided comfort (and those people who know will confirm that I am definitely not a daredevil). It really is a stunning wing.
And to answer the question between the standard M3 and the M3 light? They are generally very, very similar.
– The M3 light inflates and rises even more willingly than the standard.
– It talks more to the pilot and is a bit more sensitive (which doesn’t mean that is more nervous).
– Collapses and re-openings are smoother.
– The sound is different.
– It is slightly more precise to steer and re-active.
But overall, it is very, very similar. If you like the standard, you will like the light and vice versa. The main argument is: much smaller packing and 25 % less weight.
Reydel hernadez ortega
Feb 11, 2023 -
buenas, yo vuelo la mentor 3 laght y quería ver si usted podía enviarme la ficha técnica de la vela e buscado en internet y no e podido encontrarla, nesecito saber velocida,planeo y tasa de caída, disculpa que lo moleste, pero me hace falta saber, yo antes volava un sigma6 ahora empecé a volar velas de nova y me a gustado mucho,pero tengo este pequeño problema le agradecería su ayuda hay sitios pero son pagados y yo vivo en cuba y no tengo como pagarlas.
Till Gottbrath
Apr 12, 2023 -
Hola Reydel
aquí puedes entronctrar toda la informacion sobre el MENTOR 3:
Happy landings,
your NOVA Team