Hi from Portugal
I want to share with you about my second national competition with M4 XS :)
Well, I did goal on second task – http://www.xcontest.org/world/en/flights/detail:SilviaVenturaNovaTeamPilot/28.6.2015/12:38
But I got 0 points, because I passed the altitude limit of 3200 meters… There was very turbulence air and I felt that I could have more danger if I made maneuvers to get down…
Then, on third task, I made a good flight and in the end of the day I was 6th overall!!! So good!! http://www.xccastelodevide.pt/download/2015_%7C_liga_nacional/dia_3/manga_3/task_result_2015-06-29_(Geral).html Among Ozone ENZOs and Mantras and Niviuk Icepeaks 6, Nova Tritons….. In a very first time in national task with a race to goal of 215 km !!!
In the end of this competition I was second overall female classification (Keiko Hiraki, from Japan, was first) and 15th overall http://www.xccastelodevide.pt/download/2015_%7C_liga_nacional/dia_3/geral_3/comp_result_(20150630-1626)%20-%20Geral%20(Vencedor%20Absoluto).html
I still have some doubts how to deal with M4, but I think mostly because I am to light…. To XS -70-90 kg, I have 74 total weight, and sometimes the glider is not so stable, but for National Championship that is going to begin next week, I will go with my old and heavier harness, and I think I will have more 4 or 5 kg… can it be enough? We will see :)
Please, wish me luck :)
Silvia Ventura