First place in Sportclass @ OPEN IQQ in the north of Chile

First place in Sportclass @ OPEN IQQ in the north of Chile

During  the first weekend in November we had the FAI2 competition in Iquique in the north of Chile. Based on last years results I had 2 objectives, first in Sportclass and top ten overall. The first day we started from “alto hospicio”, the typical take…

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Zweiter Rang in der Sportklasse @ Open IQQ und @ Open Antofagasta

Zweiter Rang in der Sportklasse @ Open IQQ und @ Open Antofagasta

Hallo Fliegerfreunde Habe zwei spannende Fliegerwochen hinter mir mit zwei FAI2-Compes im Norden von Chile. Der erste Wettkampf fand in IQQ (Iquique) ganz im Norden von Chile statt. Vier Tasks waren angesagt und vier Tasks wurden auch gestartet, wobei der schönste von allen aus mir…

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Factor 2 wins Mentor 2 with 2 Points @ Opensantiago in Chile

Factor 2 wins Mentor 2 with 2 Points @ Opensantiago in Chile

NOVA-Teampilots meets in Chile Every Year at the first weekend in January is the FAI-2 competition Open-Santiago in Chile. Two Nova Team-pilots were also on the list. We could fly every 4 Days of the comp and it was exciting till the last minute in…

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