Three tips to fly your first 200 km (and beyond)

Three tips to fly your first 200 km (and beyond)

When we first start our free flying journey, our minds are baffled just with the idea of being able to climb inside a column of rising air to the cloud base. The experience of leaving the ground using only the energy of the sun is…

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Flatland Magic in Finland

Flatland Magic in Finland

I often get to hear from my fellow pilots from more mountainous regions, how they can’t get their head around the flatland flying. Some argue that it’s so easy, you just go with the wind from cloud to cloud and others think it must be…

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New pilots on the road – the Flying Finn with students in Spain

New pilots on the road – the Flying Finn with students in Spain

Working as a paragliding instructor has many priviledges. One of them is to be able to wake up early in the morning and see the morning mist slowly and beautifully evaporate while heading to a local airfield. It often makes me feel sorry for the…

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A word from a new Team Pilot

A word from a new Team Pilot

Can you make the world a better place by flying paragliders? Well, that is the question I have asked myself many times lately. Sometimes packing the wing and taking a weekend or a whole week away from the loved ones can be a tough call….

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