HELT I HUNDRE (totally in hundred = meaning something like “Absolutely awezome”) is our first “Activitycamp” – and hopefully a brand new tradition. From the 6. th to the 10.th of August this year, we invited friends and friends of extremesportfriends to join our HELT I HUNDRE event, in Tana, Norway.
Every trip we take, and wherever we go, people ask us about the Arctic – they are curious about how we cope with the darknessperiod, the winter, and how amazing it must be, to fly in the Midnightsun, looking down at a heard of reindeers…and we tell them all about it. And a little more. Then we invite them. Usually noone who is a true paragliderpilot, will decide to go to the northernmost county of Norway, to fly As we have no guarantee for the weather or the flying conditions.
Stay at the Elderlyhome
My house is a 600 squaremeters 100 year old elderlyhome. One of a few houses in this area, wich were not burned during the second World War. It is situated 20 meters from the sea, and it takes less than one hour to go to at least five different flysites – where you can fly in all directions. Unfortunately; We have alot of wind, rain, snow and cold weather – and we have to hike up to most of the mountains. It keeps us fit, and the reward is that we sometime can fly a few kilometers in rare thermals (above the sea) or hang for an hour soaring with great eagles!
2014 edition
A few curious people gathered in Austertana. Two guys with paramotor, four PG pilots, a few kiters, a farmer and a fisherman – and some hangarounds followed us for five days. Amazingly enough, we flew three of five days – from three different launches – in temperatures from 10 degreece Celcius to 29, wich is extremely rare up here! All pilots were satisfied, some more than others. Helene Kihlstrøm from Sweden told us that it was her first flights in Norway ever, and this was the first time she had flown above the Arctic circle (Polarcircle). I said we are now so far north of it, that we call it the Moral Circle here. We are situated at 70,26 degreece north.
Additional activities
We prepared other activities as well, in case of bad flyingconditions. Kiting and fishing were some of them, a trip to Kongsfjord, where we watched the salmons play were an another. We also went to a reindeerherders cabin for coffee, and those who were interested, were invited into the fence, to catch reindeercalfs. A few of the “hangarounds” had the possibility to try kiting and play with the gliders. At the end we asked the participants what they liked the most, when Jon imideately yelled THE FOOD! We prepare one local “groupdinner” every day, and we had Kingcrabs, Salmonsoup, Smoked reindeermeat, and as snacks we ate “gravlaks” (salmon wich has been drown in cognac) and dried reindeerhearts. Helene from Sweden responded
– “It is extremely peaceful here, you can sell the quietness.”
I think that is true. We all intend to run around from the quietness, filling our life with all kinds of things – and sounds, so that we don´t have time to relax and listen to our own minds.
Next year
The last day blew away, so we went by boat to Vagge, where we relaxed by the fire. Some of us picked blueberries, and we had pancakes with blueberries as our last supper. Helle from Kjøllefjord said it; We must put a littlebit extra sugar on the pancakes, then we will be “Absolutely Awezome” We have evaluated HELT I HUNDRE already, and we have definitely started a new tradition. Next years event is between the 5.th and the 9.th of August 2015.
New people, same place.
And – the limit is 30 persons, First come, first served.
More pictures at our Facebooksite:
If you are interested in more information, please send me an e-mail; guro.bjerk@gmail.com
Till Gottbrath
Aug 15, 2014 -
Hejsan Guro,
nice report! Thanks for sharing it with us.
It sounds like an event, which is made for me. I promise: one day will come!
Vera Polaschegg
Aug 18, 2014 -
Hi Guro,
now North Norway is on my “to visit” list, definitely, thanks for this report! see you soon at the team meeting :-)), Vera
werner luidolt
Aug 18, 2014 -
thats cool guro!