Dear Nova team members,
… part of the NOVA Pilots team – another big step in my life :-)
I am a returning paraglider – therefore hardly any one will know me in the active scene – even so flying has been a major part in my life since child hood – growing up next to airfield Aigen im Ennstal / Austria, the constant presence of helicopters, gliders and model aero planes leave no other choice ;-) The following is a brief journey of my flying activities:
As a 6 year old:
…my father taught me how to fold paper aeroplanes and I spent hours in the fields with my new ‘friends’ the swallows and jets made from paper. I was given my first rubber band aeroplane ‘Spatz’ – my circle is expanding.
As an 8 year old:
…I was given a free flight model: ‘Der kleine Uhu’ – lots of other free flight models followed – practical flight experience part 1: why does an aeroplane fly and why does it not always go where I want it to….
As an 11 year old:
….from now on I can decide where the journey goes: my first remote controlled model – location, still in the fields at the back of our house – with a rubber line and slope winds – I had all I needed … many models followed but only gliders – I was never interested in powered models – I enjoyed the play with the wind and using all that nature was offering – this was my interest!
Aged 20 (1989 – the year of birth of NOVA):
… much too late – but education away from home had priority – I gained the much longed for glider licence. Everything was simple – the airfield is 5 minutes from home, the east slope for hang gliding directly above our house – now I could fly gliders where I used to fly my models. In my second year of gliding I earned Silver C (50km), in the third year I was Austrian Junior Champion and in 2008 I won the International Barron Hilton Cup with the Austrian record of 1.083km as my high point :-)
I gained the paraglider licence. I only flew occasionally until 2009 – I dedicated myself too intensively to gliding and I always knew that it was necessary to take care to development a good standard for paragliding. That point then came for me in 2009 and I was experiencing paragliding afresh. After I reached my big goals in gliding, the longing for the fields and the mountains returned and I decided to focus strongly on paragliding. 2009 and 2010 were my years of learning and gaining experience – I wanted to take time for safety training, soaring and flights making the most of thermals, also in extreme conditions, were my pursuit. It is in the air where I can draw on my extensive flying experience and it was possible to get long distance flights quite soon. Although my first thought is always to practice safety and consider every flight as new. I intend to stay with flying for a long time and try to achieve a high ‘feel good factor’ in paragliding, just as I used to when gliding.
Reduce to the max: this means for me the circle I have chosen – from the fast flying in the glider to the Paraglider. Paragliding is for me the height of free flying whilst feeling maximum closeness to the elements. To stand at the top of the mountain and feel the wind in my face, smell and be aware – no other flying sport offers me this intensity – and this is what makes me happy :-) I also consider flying as an ingenious way of learning about life – I can continue to develop in a playful way, I can work on and test my mental ability.
Work related, I own a small advertising agency in Schladming/Austria, together with an ex-delta flier and paraglider pilot – no surprises there. Privately, I have been married for 8 years to Irmi, the best pilot’s wife you can possibly imagine.
My aim is clear: Flying for pleasure and maximum fun – without pressure to perform – and best of all together with the Nova Pilots Team :-)
Flying regards | Werner