Tag archive for soaring - page 3

Soaring-Spaß in Dänemark

Soaring-Spaß in Dänemark

Nachdem voriges Jahr alles im Zeichen von X-Alps stand, blieb leider keine Zeit, meinem geliebten Dänemark einen Besuch abzustatten. Aber heuer konnte ich wieder einige Tage dort verbringen. Möchte Euch anhand einiger Bilder zeigen, dsas Dänemark nicht nur aus Ground Handling und Soaring besteht, sondern…

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Black Forest Winter Soaring Day with Sunset

Black Forest Winter Soaring Day with Sunset

Hey guys, Yesterday we had perfect soaring conditions at the Kandel. We were soaring for a long time over the amazing winter landscape. In the end of the day we got the present of a really nice sunset. Here some pictures, so you can share…

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SUSI 10 slpash and fun at LCC

SUSI 10 slpash and fun at LCC

The Lakes Charity Classic (LCC) is an informal paragliding competition held in some of England’s most spectacular scenery.  The event is acompanied by a massive party, flight displays and all sorts of activities celebrating our wonderful sport. This year my SUSI 10 and me where a part of it….

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MENTOR 2 – Soaring Action

MENTOR 2 – Soaring Action

Perfect soaring conditions in february with my new bilious green MENTOR 2. Who need´s the Dune du Pyla? Check out the Video

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